Yesterday I received the best book I've gotten in a long time...Home Sewn by Kaari Meng (French General). I first learned of French General (think beautiful undyed linen and rich reds and blues) last year and bought some of the Rouenneries fabric prints on etsy...love 'em! Well, when I saw this book (while searching for sewing books on Amazon), I couldn't resist...and YAY! It's just as wonderful as I'd hoped it would be! The book features 30 home sewing projects, ranging from the beginner to advanced seamstress level - and there is not a single project I don't want to start immediately! Pillows, bed covers, tote bags & bath mats are just a few of the amazing items that can be created with Kaari's patterns. I think I'll do the pillowcases first (easy peasy) - maybe I'll do them tonight...;)

Her new line for Moda, Rural Jardin, is absolutely gorgeous and can be found in it's entirety at the Fat Quarter Shop...is it wrong to start thinking about my second quilt when I haven't even truly started my first yet????? Take a look...and drool away...