At the end of every week I try to look back and see what I've accomplished over the past days...sometimes I'm ashamed to say the answer is "hmmm...nothing. BUT! everyone got fed fairly regularly, so I guess that's something..." But this week, I'm happy to say that a few things did get accomplished. Yay, me!
So...let's see...
Project #1: I did get those linen pillowcases made - they are wonderful...I really love them and I'm thinking about doing some more. I also want to embroider our intials on these...

Those are they, there, the natural-colored ones. Yes, I know...they are quite wrinkled - linen's major downfall, if you ask me...BUT, I absolutely REFUSE to iron my pillowcases every day.
Project #2: (this I did while T was in the backyard playing this morning...took me 10 + my gluegun = love). My mom & the kids and I took a little driving trip to Ohio (to my Gran's house) while the kids were on spring break...picked up this little accent lamp that (obviously) needed some work (I think my Gran just covered the lamp in wallpaper - but it has the same colors as our bedroom, so I snatched it up)...
Here it is before...

And here it is after (10 minutes after, to be exact...;))...

Not sure I'm completely jazzed about it, but it will do for now.
Project #3: I finished piecing (and sewing) together the top part of my quilt! Yay!!! I'll take photos soon. Still need to buy that walking foot...:(
Project #4: G and I made the most darling little pincushion that we saw on the DIY Dish...absolutely darling. I'll post photos this weekend and send a link to the webisode.
OH! And one last thing...K decided to "spruce up" her brothers last, tutus and all...geez...poor boys. Doug asked that I forgoe adding this photo to my facebook page...I'm more than happy to oblige...